Standing Committees
Executive Committee – The Executive Committee shall have the power and authority to transact all regular business of the Association and Institute in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee also serves as the main fiduciary of both organizations and is the Board of Directors for the Institute. The Executive Committee also monitors the performance of the Chief Executive Officer and execution of the strategic plan.
Audit & Risk Committee – Responsibilities include: i) the oversight of all of the Association’s and Institute’s financial affairs, operations and investments; ii) in concert with the President and Vice President of Operations, preparing the annual budget, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; iii) verifying that expenditures are made in accordance with the approved budget; iv) serve as the audit committee; and v) provide counsel to the Board of Directors and the President concerning potential risks to the organization.
Development Committee – Development Committee shall focus its efforts on the future funding and sustainability of the organization. The two primary initiatives this committee will oversee is Membership Growth & Diversity; and Sustainability, which concentrates on identifying new strategic partnerships and initiatives, new revenue streams, products or services or other ways to grow the financial stability of the organization.
Trade Policy/Advocacy Committee – Trade Policy Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and monitoring the actions, policies and proposals of federal, state and local governments, as well as international organizations and foreign governments, that may affect the conditions for international trade, commerce and investment. The Trade Policy/Advocacy Committee shall endeavor to provide timely and objective information concerning these matters to the Members of the Association. In addition, it shall recommend to the Board of Directors action which may be taken by the Association to communicate the positions of the Association and the Colorado international business community as a whole to such organizations and agencies in an effort to influence the future direction of such organizations to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Colorado international business community.
To join a committee, please email Karen Moore, Member Engagement Director, karen.moore@wtcdenver.org
Sign up for specific Committees by completing the form below.
Ad Hoc Committees
Real Estate Subcommittee – The Real Estate Committee will support the WTC Denver’s interest in the Fox Park Development to include: tenant leads, JV business development with developer, activation strategy, international exhibit hall business model, corporate formation around real estate business, marketing and public relations of the project. The committee will be in effect for 2-3 years, and may turn into a board of advisors to the corporate entity.
Global Hub Committee – Help shape the future of the WTC Member Portal and 24/7 Online Community. Design a dynamic resource that fosters connection and collaboration for our network so the Global Hub becomes an invaluable tool for networking and engagement, offering opportunities for members to interact and support one another, even beyond live events.
World Trade Day Planning Committee – Every May, the WTC Denver puts on our signature event, which attracts participants across our region, nation and visitors from other countries. The Planning Committee determines the theme, speaker selection, program, and more. Every year we convene this committee around January – May.
To join a committee, please email Karen Moore, Member Engagement Director, karen.moore@wtcdenver.org
Sign up for specific Committees by completing the form below.