FTZ #123 Application Process & Fee Schedule
The process of obtaining Foreign Trade Zone status within Zone FTZ #123 begins by first contacting the World Trade Center (WTC) Denver team. WTC Denver assists with the application process, and can help companies locate resources with the specialized knowledge for an in-depth evaluation of the risks and benefits associated with operating in a Foreign Trade Zone.
FTZ Board decision
Approximately 30 days less of receiving complete application request.
Submit to grantee
- Signed Operator/grantee Agreement.
- Completed Billing Information form.
Submit to CBP i
- Present CBP with procedures Manual.
- Submit a written Activation request.
- SubmitGrantee Concurrence letter.
Present to CBP ii
- Schedule a Security Walk-through.
- List of Zone site Operator's Officerss.
- Complete Background Check(s)
- Certificate of insurance & Surety Bond
Please see the FTZ Board’s website for estimated application processing times, as it differs by application type.
FTZs are considered public utilities because they provide significant economic and logistical benefits to a wide range of businesses, operate under government regulation, and serve the broader public interest by fostering economic growth and development. In recognition of the valuable support and benefits we provide, we operate under a fee schedule approved by the FTZ Board.
Is an FTZ right for my company?
Could your company benefit from a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)? The World Trade Center Denver, in partnership with QAD, offers a complimentary assessment to help you determine whether an FTZ is the right solution for your business.