We understand the uncertainty of the changing landscape with the current Administration, and are here to support companies in the Rocky Mountain Region with the increasing costs of conducting global business.

Whether your company is paying increased tariffs on imports or impacted by retaliatory tariffs on your exports, we’d like to hear from you and help you try to mitigate those challenges.


Your voice matters. Help us shape trade policy by taking our 5-minute survey on how the administration’s trade actions are affecting your business.

Considerations & Talking Points Against Tariffs and Non-Tariff Barriers as a Trade Solution

  • 1 in 5 Colorado jobs depend on trade, fueling the state’s economy and supporting local communities.


  • Colorado businesses and workers collaborate with trading partners through integrated supply chains, boosting efficiency and global competitiveness.


  • Some imports have no domestic substitute, meaning tariffs raise costs for businesses — costs that are often passed on to consumers.


  • If increased tariffs collected in the US by US importers are used to offset decreased taxes, have we made much of an impact overall?


  • Broad, sweeping tariffs are an ineffective tool for addressing specific trade issues. Historically, such measures have led to significant trade retaliation against U.S. exporters. Instead, the administration should prioritize targeted solutions, proactive negotiations, and domestic investments to make U.S. businesses more globally competitive.


  • The North American trading block is critical to the US economy. Increasing tariffs on our largest trading partners causes harm to the continent, our national security, and local economies. The Trump Administration will likely seek a renegotiation of USMCA in 2026. It is imperative that we do no harm to our North American counterparts and minimize crucial supply chain disruption.


  • Enhanced trade leads to peace and prosperity for all.

Strategies to Minimize Tariffs

Need Support Finding Your Tariff Rate or Discovering Which Strategy Works Best for You?


Contact the WTC Denver Help Desk at 1.833.ASK.WTCD or send an inquiry here.

Seeking a Trade Expert from our Global Network to support you with specific trade needs, click here and we will connect you!